
Generation, Transmission, Renewable

Connection Study of SPP Briska Gora on the Transmission Network of Montenegro

Connection Study of SPP Briska Gora on the Transmission Network of Montenegro

Client: CGES AD (Montenegro)

Type: Study (Transmission, Generation, Renewables)

Finishing date: October 2019 (December 2019)

Team: Bosko Sijakovic - Project Manager, S. Markovic - Consultant, M. Kostic

Generation, Transmission, Renewable, Power Quality

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Connection Study of Wind Power Plant Debelo Brdo (54MW) to the Transmission Network of B&H

Connection Study of Wind Power Plant Debelo Brdo (54MW) to the Transmission Network of B&H

client: Koncing Ltd. (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

type: Report

finishing date: October 2019

team: Milan Ivanovic - Project leader, M. Vukovic - Consultant, M. Kostic, N. Jovic

Generation, Transmission

United Arab Emirates
Small Signal Stability Analyses for Barakah Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP)

Small Signal Stability Analyses for Barakah Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP)

client: Mott MacDonald (UAE), TRANSCO (UAE)

type: Report

finishing date: September 2019

team: Predrag Miksa - Project Manager, N. Jovic - Consultant

Transmission, Policies

North Macedonia
Consulting Services for Updating the Existing Grid Code for MEPSO AD

Consulting Services for Updating the Existing Grid Code for MEPSO AD

client: AD MEPSO (North Macedonia)

type: Other (Transmission, Policies)

finishing date: October 2019 (January 2020)

team: Nebojša Jovic - Project Manager, M. Ivanovic - Consultant, M. Stojanovic, B. Brdjanin, B. Lutovac, M. Kostic

Generation, Transmission, Market

South East Europe
Assessment of Benefits of Regional Electricity Market Integration in South East Europe

Assessment of Benefits of Regional Electricity Market Integration in South East Europe

client: USEA, USAID

type: Analysis (Market, Transmission, Generation)

finishing date: October 2019 (February 2020)

team: Consortium EKC (Serbia) – EI Hrvoje Pozar (Croatia); EKC team: Dragana Orlic - Project Manager, B. Lekovic


South East Europe
Mid-term Wholesale Price Forecast for Italy and South East Europe with Evaluation of Congestion Revenues for CGES (Montenegrin TSO) for period 2020-2022

Mid-term Wholesale Price Forecast for Italy and South East Europe with Evaluation of Congestion Revenues for CGES (Montenegrin TSO) for period 2020-2022

client: CGES a.d. (Montenegro)

type: Study

finishing date: July 2019

team: Dusan Vlaisavljevic – Project Leader, I. Mihajlovic Vlaisavljevic, B. Lekovic

Transmission, Power Quality

Connection Study for 110/10kV Substation for Supply of Steel Smelter Factory Mei Ta

Connection Study for 110/10kV Substation for Supply of Steel Smelter Factory Mei Ta

Client: Elektromreza Srbije a.d. (Serbia)

Type: Study

Finishing date: April 2019 (July 2021)

Team: Milan Stojanovic – Project Leader, D. Todorovic

Generation, Transmission

ENTSO-E CE, Ukraine, Moldova
a) The Ukraine/Moldova Network Connection Sensitivity Study b) Construction/update of network and market models c) Training – Capacity Building Workshop

a) The Ukraine/Moldova Network Connection Sensitivity Study b) Construction/update of network and market models c) Training – Capacity Building Workshop

Client: ENTSO-E (Belgium)

Finishing date: July 2019 (March 2021)

Type: Study (Transmission, Generation)

Team: Djordje Dobrijevic - Project Manager; N. Jovic - Consultant; B. SIjakovic, B. Brdjanin, B. Lutovac

Transmission, Market, Software, Policies

Analyses in the Process of the Development of the Transmission Network of the Republic of Serbia

Analyses in the Process of the Development of the Transmission Network of the Republic of Serbia

client: Elektromreza Srbije AD (Serbia)

type: Study

finishing date: May 2019 (July 2019)

team: Slobodan Markovic – Project Leader, D.Vlaisavljevic, I.Mihajlovic-Vlaisavljevic, B.Brdjanin, B.Sijakovic, I.Aljancic

Generation, Transmission

Selection of Optimal Electromechanical Parameters of Generation Units No. 1 and 2 (2×230 MW) – TPP Nikola Tesla A

Selection of Optimal Electromechanical Parameters of Generation Units No. 1 and 2 (2×230 MW) – TPP Nikola Tesla A

client: Elektromreza Srbije AD (Serbia)

type: Study (Transmission, Generation)

finishing date: March 2019

team: Djordje Dobrijevic - Project Manager, M. Ivanovic
