Software Solutions
EKC provides the software solutions in the filed of electric power systems, related to the network models processing, load flow and transmission capacity calculations (NTC-based, flow-based), as well as electricity markets (balancing mechanism, market coupling). Our software follows specific needs of energy stakeholders for professional and fast tools. These software tools are widely used throughout the Continental Europe, as well as at several national and regional projects.
Software designed for all operation of validating, fixing and merging and converting the load flow data sets, load flow and contingency calculations, NTC calculation, PTDF/Maxflow calculations, as well as short circuit analyses
Technical Parameters Calculation Tool - Software for models processing, load flow and PTDF/Maxflow calculation, designed for CEE Central Allocation Office in Freising for 8-TSOs flow-based coordinated auctions.
Market Coupling Simulator (MaCSim) is a web-based software for the simulation of day-ahead European price coupling, in forms of NTC-based and Flow-based Market Coupling.
Web-based platform for the Southeast European inter-TSO balancing market, used as a prototype for the development of Regional Balancing Mechanism (RBM).