Software Solutions
Our software solutions are widely used in Europe for the analyses of power systems and electricity markets.
Recognizing the needs of its clients (TSOs, power production companies, traders, auction offices, regulators and others) EKC has made numerous software solutions, as practical software aplications with wide usage in Continental Europe. Some of the software solutions are mostly realised in cooperation with software company DMS from Novi Sad.
Our software applications cover wide range of functions, such as:
- Transmission network model processing, model validation, conversion into different formats: UCTE, RAW, CIM/CGMES (software MERLIN, TNA)
- Load flow calculations, security analyses, transmission capacity calculations (NTC, PTDF/MF), short-circuit calculations (software TPCtool, PSA, TNA),
- Web-based simulation of regional balancing market (software BETSEE)
- Web-based simulation of NTC-based and Flow-based Market Coupling (software MaCSIM).
MERLIN software was recommended by UCTE (now ENTSO-E) Secretariat in 2007.
TPCtool software and TNA software were recommended by CAO Freising in 2012.