a) The Ukraine/Moldova Network Connection Sensitivity Study b) Construction/update of network and market models c) Training – Capacity Building Workshop
Client: ENTSO-E (Belgium)
Finishing date: July 2019 (March 2021)
Type: Study (Transmission, Generation)
Team: Djordje Dobrijevic - Project Manager; N. Jovic - Consultant; B. SIjakovic, B. Brdjanin, B. Lutovac
Complete job on this contract is part of work on SECI project, which is under responsibility of ENTSO-E Regional Group Continental South East (CSE).
- а) The main goal of the project is to perform network and market analyses in case of interconnection of Ukraine and Moldova with ENTSO-E CE grid and to estimate the influence of such interconnection to region of SEE. Target years for analyses are 2025 and 2030. Based on results from market analyses, selection of characteristic scenarios have been made. For these selected scenarios, appropriate grid models have been prepared and steady state analyses (including voltage profile and security assessment) have been made in order to perform checking of transmission network adequacy in SEE.
- b) The main goal of task is to construct, update and expand of regional models of SEE, for steady-state, reliability, short-circuit and stability analyses. The other part of the project is to construct, update and expand regional electricity marked database. The developed models are very detailed, consist of voltage level 110 kV and above as well as all generators modeled at their own voltage levels and connected to transmission grid by step-up transformers. Before delivery, each regional model is initially checked for steady-state, reliability, short-circuit and stability analyses. Models developed within this project have been used in great numbers of regional and national projects, studies and analyses within region of SEE as well as within whole ENTSO-E CE interconnection.
- c) The main goal of this task is training – capacity building workshop on topic Managing the voltage profile of regional and national transmission grid. The first part of the training is theoretic approach, including performances and modelling of devices for control of voltage and reactive powers. The second part is modeling of the devices in PSS/E as well as practical examples performed on regional model.
Type of services provided:
- Construction of LF models
- Construction of dynamic models
- Construction of models for SCC
- Construction of models for reliability analysis
- Construction of market models
- Power flow analysis
- Voltage profile analysis
- Analysis of power system losses
- Security analysis
- Analysis of static and dynamic stability
- Short-circuit calculation
- Reliability analysis
- Market analysis
- Training