System Analyses Need for Study of Connection of Revitalized Units of HPP (2×37MVA) to Serbian Transmission Grid

System Analyses Need for Study of Connection of Revitalized Units of HPP (2×37MVA) to Serbian Transmission Grid

client: AD Elektromreza Srbije (Serbia)

type: Study

finishing date: November 2016

team: Djordje Dobrijevic - Project Manager, N. Jovic, M.Vukovic - Consultants

The main goal of this study is to provide to TSO all necessary information for study on connection of the revitalized units of HPP, installed power of 2×37MVA, to 110 kV voltage lovel of the electric transmission grid of Serbia. Following design studies have been provided: load flow studies including contingency analysis, fault calculations, static stability studies and transient stability studies including CCT calculation, mid-term stability analysis, checking of requirements defined in national grid code.

Type of services provided:

  • Load flow analysis
  • Contingency analysis
  • Short-circuit calculation
  • Stability analysis
  • Checking of voltage-reactive capability
  • Checking fault–ride-through requirements
  • Checking Grid Code requirements