Procedure for the Compliance Testing of Operation of Generation Objects

Procedure for the Compliance Testing of Operation of Generation Objects

Client: CGES AD (Montenegro)

Type: Report

Finishing date: January 2022

Team: Boris Brdjanin – Project Manager, N. Jovic - Consultant

Within the connection process of new generation facilities to the grid, it is required to perform grid compliance testing of related facilities.

Creation of compliance testing procedure comprises the following activities:

  • Creation of general provisions for grid compliance testing (procedure for connection of new power plants, requirements and responsibilities of Users and TSO, testing setup, harmonization and testing approval, required technical documentation, timetable etc.)
  • Creation of technical provisions for grid compliance testing (technical requirements for conducting tests, parameters for measurement devices, test specification, compliance criteria etc.)
  • Creation of detailed testing protocols – definition of detailed programs for testing of new generation facilities taking into account their specific technical characteristics (thermal units, hydro units).

Type of services provided:

  • Creation of general provisions for grid compliance testing
  • Creation of technical provisions for grid compliance testing
  • Creation of testing protocol