Large-Scale RES Integration Study for Serbia

Large-Scale RES Integration Study for Serbia


Type: Study

Finishing date: May 2022

Team: Dragana Orlic - Project Manager, N. Jovic, D. Vlaisavljevic, I. Mihajlovic Vlaisavljevic, B. Lekovic, B. Sijakovic, M. Kostic, B. Lutovac

The main goal of this study is to analyze the implication of RES development is Serbia in the next ten-year period, focusing on 2025 as a target year for mid-term analysis, and 2030 as a target year for long-term analysis.

The implications are analysed from the wholesale market, balancing and network operation perspectives providing the basis for the development of the recommendations for improvement of EMS business processes in relation to RES integration.

Market simulations are carried out as hourly simulations with hydro-thermal optimization and economic dispatch in the Plexos software tool. Within the market simulations, constraints imposed by different levels of balancing reserve (aFRR) in different RES scenarios are included. In the analyses related to balancing, activation of balancing reserves and corresponding costs are determined having in mind previously determined balancing reserves (in MW) that have been used as limiting factors in market simulations.

Results of the market and balancing analyses present the basis for detailed network analyses which are carried out with PSS/E software tool and with focus on network elements’ loading, voltage profiles and system security.

The output of network analyses is the list of additional network reinforcements and corresponding investments identified to accommodate the assumed RES penetration. In addition, the impact of necessary investments in the transmission system on the transmission tariff is evaluated as well.

The results of the above analyses present the basis for the development of the recommendations for improvement of EMS’s procedures and business processes in relation to RES integration. These recommendations include areas of system operation and planning and potential options for its improvements to accommodate and deal with increased integration of RES in Serbian power system.

Type of services provided:

  • Development of the SEE regional power system model in Plexos sw tool
  • Development of the SEE regional network model in PSS/E sw tool
  • Analyses of the system operation in 2025 and 2030 in differenrt Scenarios
  • Implementation of the MonteCarlo simulations for different climatic, hydrological and thermal availability conditions
  • Calculation of system operation and adequacy indicators
  • Balancing reserve (aFRR, total FRR) dimensioning
  • Calculation of balancing costs for different RES development scenarios
  • Calculation of Load flows, voltage profiles, losses, security analyses (N-1) and the detection of network bottlenecks, reactive power and voltage control status
  • Development of the recommendations for improvement of EMS business processes in relation to RES integration