Justification of derogation reasons according to Art 16.9 EU 2019/943 (MNCCmargin and LFthreshold)

Justification of derogation reasons according to Art 16.9 EU 2019/943 (MNCCmargin and LFthreshold)

Client: Austrian Power Grid (Austria)

Type: Software

Finishing date: October 2021

Team: Danka Veljkovic – Project Manager, B. Lekovic, B. Lutovac, B. Brdjanin

This study intends to provide to APG the internal analysis of necessary margins (respectively thresholds) due to flows from non-coordinated capacity calculation and loop flows per critical network elements with contingencies, which would assist APG to justify its position towards the derogation reasons according to Art 16(9) EC 2019/943. Analyses are performed for the bidding zone configurations before and after the Core FB Go-Live, separately for each region in which Austria participates: CWE/CORE, coordinated NTC borders and Northern Italian borders.

Type of services provided:

  • Determination of concept and MNCCmargin values per CNEC based on a re-assessment of the external influences using the historical data,
  • Determination of concept and values of F0,all, PSTflows and LFcalc values per CNEC based on a re-assessment of the external influences using the historical data, including the concepts of flow decomposition (in line with the approved Core RD&CT methodology)
  • Sound justification for the application of the additional margins
  • Final report and presentation