Development of a Grid Code for the transmission system of Montenegro
client: CGES (Montenegro)
type: Consultant services (Policies)
finishing date: July 2011, Update January 2017
team: Update: Nebojsa Jovic - Project Leader; consortium CGES/Korona - EKC; EKC team: Nebojsa Jovic - Project Leader, M. Vukovic - Consultant, A. Oros
The objective of the project is to establish planning, operational and connection standards in order to provide reliable, secure, economic and coordinated operation of the Montenegrin transmission grid and also to enable development, maintenance, and management of the transmission system in accordance with the ENTSO-E rules and good European practices in this field. This is achieved through the following:
- Specification of the minimum operational standards, technical requirements, services and relations to the electricity market and information procedures for current and potential network users in an objective, non-discriminatory and equal way
- Establishing responsibilities and obligations for Montenegrin TSO and for all the users of the Montenegrin transmission network
- Establishment of requirements and criteria for the development of the Montenegrin transmission network
- Linking to the national legislative documents (new Energy Law of the Republic of Montenegro, Market Rules and an appropriate tariff methodology etc.) and international guidelines and legislative documents (ENTSO-E Operational Handbook, Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, European Commission) as well as other related documents
Grid Code development for transmission system of Montenegro contains the following phases:
- Review of the existing grid code and Energy Law and other input data compatibility, determination of new grid code structure and development concept
- Preparation of the draft version and harmonization with the TSO’s officials for each Section in the grid code (Long-term planning code, Connection code, Metering system code, Operational code (operational planning, ancillary and system services, defense plans, power system management and control) and access code including services and relations to the electricity market, General provisions and document templates)
- Consultant support during the grid code acceptance process in National Regulatory Agency.
Type of services provided:
- Consultant services