Consulting Servicies and Support for the TNA Software and CGMES format

Consulting Servicies and Support for the TNA Software and CGMES format

Client: Austria Power Grid APG (Austria)

Type: Software

Finishing date: December 2021 (May 2022)

Team: Boris Brdjanin – Project Manager, B. Lutovac

List of the main tasks includes:

  • Support on the troubleshooting with import/export of CGMES models from other IT-tools into/from the TNA software (e.g. identification of solutions, either for changing the current TNA settings or for making the necessary IT changes, analysis of CGMES structure)
  • CGMES Validation: Analysis of the error messages, sanity checks and a further assessment of error-handling process
  • Help with the set-up of different TNA modules for calculation (MACZT, NTC/FB, PFC…)
  • Implementation of IT changes
  • Participation on a common web call sessions with APG experts

Type of services provided:

  • Support in using TNA software
  • Assistance in debugging models
  • Participation on a common web call sessions