Analysis of the Impact of the WPP Dajc on the Local Transmission Network, Including the Effects and Possibilities for the Construction of the 110kV Network and the New 110kV Interconnection Kosmac (ALB) - Dajc (ALB) - Možura (MNE)


client: A.S.A. Wind Sh.p.k - Rruga А. Z. Cajupi (Albania)

type: Study

finishing date: April 2019 (July 2019)

team: Slobodan Markovic –Study Leader, Z. Vujasinovic, D. Todorovic, M. Vukovic – consulting engineer

The main aim of the study is to examine the impact of the wind power plant Dajc over the local transmission network, including the effects and possibilities of insertion of the 110kV grid connection and 110kV line Kosmaç (AL) - Dajç (AL) - Mozura (ME) considering all other expected and related grid reinforcements in the region, and considering possible different operational modes of its operation.

The specific objectives are: 

  • Definition and analysis of the feasible and appropriate configuration for the construction and operation of the new 110kV transmission line Kosmaç (AL) - Dajç (AL) and 110kV interconnection line Dajç (AL) - Mozura (ME), as well as the related configuration for the operation of Albanian network. This considers the specific generation pattern in Albania power system, following the plan for the construction of WPP Dajc, and further to Montenegro and towards the HVDC cable.
  • Perform the load flow, contingency and voltage profile analyses for all considered modes of operation, and for all considered regimes.
  • Assessment of the Total and Net Transfer Capacities (TTC/NTC) in 2021, 2025, of the new 110kV line Kosmaç (AL) - Dajç (AL) - Mozura (ME) under security conditions contributed by the construction of the OHL 110kV link Kosmaç (AL) - Dajç (AL) and Dajç - Mozura 2 line, also considering exchanges between Albania, Montenegro and Italy.
  • Installation of the battery storage equipment for the elimination of the contingencies (as the result of the RESs penetration) in the transmission network
  • Estimation of Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) and yearly Operational Expenditures (OPEX) volumes associated with the new interconnection realisation of the AL infrastructures needed for the WPP Dajc safe and reliable connection to the Grid
  • Other sensitivity analyses including different solar and wind penetration in the region of interest.

Type of services provided:

  • Load flow analysis
  • Techno-economic assesment