Analysis of the effects of market coupling among Serbia, Hungary, Croatia and Bulgaria, with simulations in MaCSIM software

Analysis of the effects of market coupling among Serbia, Hungary, Croatia and Bulgaria, with simulations in MaCSIM software

client: SEEPEX a.d. Beograd (Serbia)

type: Study

finishing date: August 2019

team: Zoran Vujasinovic – Project Manager,  D. Vlaisavljevic, M. Kostic, Z. Velickovic, I. Aljancic

Within this project the task is to analyze the effects of market/price coupling of Serbian market (power exchange) with the markets (power exchanges) of Hungary, Croatia and Bulgaria, by simulations within the EKC's MaCSIM software.

Based on data of supply and demand curves for characteristic days for the above markets, as well as available transmission capacities (ATC), the following market coupling options are simulated:

  • Serbia and Hungary
  • Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria

The impact of already merged markets (Hungary under 4MMC, Croatia under MRC) is equivalenced as well.

The results show the producer surplus, consumer surplus, influence to wholesale market prices, congestions and its income, as well as the overall socio-economic welfare for Serbia and other countries.

The results of the analyses are presented through a report that will be submitted to the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Serbia and the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia. The report should be an essential element in aligning legislation to meet the basic prerequisites for market coupling of Serbia with surrounding markets.

Type of services provided:

  • Results of market coupling simulations
  • Final report
  • The documentation of MaCSIM software