An Optimal Way of Reducing the Reactive Power within the Transmission Network by Using 110/X kV Substations in the Power System of CGES
client: CGES a.d. (Montenegro)
type: Study
finishing date: October 2017 (December 2017)
team: Milos Stojkovic – Project Manager, M. Markovic, M. Stojanovic
Main objective of the Study is reactive power and voltage control analysis of the Montenegrin power system with the optimal choice of the reactive power reducing from the transmission network point of view. This should be done considering existing 110/X kV substations considering current state of the transmission network development with all features of its summer critical regimes. MV and HV buses within 110/X kV substations (owned by CGES) are considered as the potential locations for the compensation devices, due to inability to install equipment in larger substations due to lack of space.
Type of services provided:
- Load Flow analysis
- Losses analysis
- Voltage profile analysis
- Contingency analysis
- Analysis of the possible position and capacity of compensating devices.