400 kV Interconnection SS Bajina Bašta-SS Kraljevo; Feasibility & ESIA Assessment Study
client: Mott MacDonald (United Kingdom)
type: Feasibility Study
finishing date: June 2017 (January 2018)
team: Slobodan Marković - Network System Analyst (senior), Zoran Vujasinović - Transmission Planning engineer, Dragana Orlic – Market System Analyst (senior), Milan Stojanović - Network System Analyst (junior)
The scope of this Study is to analyse the potential development of a 400 kV connection between SS Bajina Bašta and SS Kraljevo, together with the upgrade of the 220 kV network in the vicinity. The Study takes into the consideration both local rules governing system operation (TSO Rules and Grid Code), as well as the ENTSO-E Operational Rules and the Guideline for Cost Benefit Analysis of Grid Development Projects.
Further development of electricity market and networks in the region and Serbia (RS), implies the need for further strengthening of transmission networks, as well as strengthening of the respective transmission interconnection lines.
It is expected that the Study and the whole project result in:
- A structured approach to analyse justification, constructing and developing of this 400 kV transmission connection, and regional transmission system improvements to facilitate the transfers the energy from east part of Balkan to the west, and vice-versa
- Increased transfer capacity in order to facilitate load and transit growth, in the context of transmission capacity increase in Serbia, and in the South East Europe region in general
- Improvement of stability and reliability of the network, leading to improvements in the overall security of supply.
- A decrease of technical losses in transmission system
- Improved quality of electricity supply
- Supporting potential to develop the regional energy market in South East Europe and creating trading opportunities between the countries
- Reducing cost of providing reserve capacity, system services and improving the ability to provide mutual balancing support.
According to the Scope of work following activities were performed:
- Definition of scenarios - network topologies
- Network and Market based assessments methodologies preparation
- System modelling and data collection
- System studies
- Market simulations
- Assessment of the system studies results for each scenario examined
- Compile the results to choose optimal scenario
- A Technical report and project implementation plan preparation
- Preparation of the Final Report.
Type of services provided:
- Load flow and voltage profile studies, security analysis (PSS/E)
- GTC / NTC calculations
- Reliability assessment (energy not supplied)
- Voltage stability
- Short circuit calculation
- Dynamic system analyses
- Market based assessments (GTmax)