lmpact Assessment of Regional Balancing Integration in the Southeast European Electricity Market

lmpact Assessment of Regional Balancing Integration

ordered by: Energy Community Secretariat (Austria)

type: Study (Market)

finishing date: September 2014 (October 2014)

The goal of the study is to:

  1. To provide the SEE Regulators, TSOs, government representatives and other stakeholders with the assessment of effective integration steps for the Energy Community’s Regional Balancing Initiative;
  2. To indicate the savings potentials for the different forms of balancing market integration;
  3. To incentivise regulators and TSOs to reform their balancing regimes in line with the targets defined in the Network Codes LFC&R and EB
  4. To propose theoretical models for regional integration of:
    • Model for replacement reserves
    • Models for frequency restoration reserves with manual and automatic activation
    • Model for imbalance netting process
    • Model for sharing of frequency restoration reserves
    • Model for sharing of replacement reserves.

Type of services provided:

  • Theoretical models for regional balancing integration
  • Final Report