Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey Power Bridge Project (AGT): Procedures for NTC Calculation and Allocation
client: USEA
type: Study (Transmission, Market)
finishing date: September 2013 (January 2014)
team: Zoran Vujasinovic – Project Leader, N. Jovic, M. Stojkovic, S. Mijailovic and P. Miksa - consultants
AGT project in 2012 considers the development of regular procedures for the data exchange and merging, net transfer capacity (NTC) calculation and its allocation within the Congestion Management process, at the direction Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey.
EKC assists the participating companies Azerenerji, GSE and TEIAS to develop a Business Process Manual (BPM) to define a harmonized approach to calculating and allocating NTC based upon the methods used by ENTSO-E.
The BPM and the initial calculations prepared by the three TSOs will be completed in time for the expected June 2013 commissioning of the HVDC back-to-back station being constructed to connect the Akhaltsikhe substation in Georgia to the Borcka substation in Turkey.
Type of services provided:
- Checking, verifying and merging load flow and dynamic models
- Simulation of NTC calculation
- Simulation of NTC allocation
- Developing Business Process Manual for NTC-related processes among the three TSOs