Feasibility Study on Synchronous Interconnection of Ukrainian and Moldovan PS to ENTSO-E System has started

Feasibility Study on Synchronous Interconnection of Ukrainian and Moldovan PS to ENTSO-E System

Study with official name "Feasibility Study on Synchronous Interconnection of Ukrainian and Moldovan Power Systems to ENTSO-E Continental European Power System" has officially started at beginning of November 2014 and the kick-off meeting took place on November 6th, 2014, in Bucharest, Romania. The study should be completed by end of October 2015.

EKC is involved in this study as subcontractor of EMS.

This is very important study, since it considers possibility of connection of large power system to the ENTSO-E. The study work is organized in four workgroups:

  • WG1 - Static studies
  • WG2 - Stability studies
  • WG3 - Operational issues
  • WG4 - Legal and regulatory issues

Transelectrica plays role of project manager and following companies are involved:

  • EMS, with EKC as subcontracor - WG1 (leader), WG2, WG3
  • ESO-EAD - WG3 (leader), WG4
  • MAVIR - WG1, WG2, WG3, WG4
  • PSE, with IEn as subontracor - WG1, WG2 (leader), WG3, WG4
  • Bernard Energy Advocacy - WG4