BSTP: Techno-Economic Evaluation of Candidate Transmission Projects (Phase II)

BSTP: Techno-Economic Evaluation of Candidate Transmission Projects (Phase II)

Objective of the study “BSTP: Techno-Economic Evaluation of Candidate Transmission Projects” is to collect national inputs and the development plans for further update of regional transmission model that will be used for power transmission system analysis for 2015 2020 and 2025, thus promoting regional cooperation in transmission planning among Black Sea region TSOs.

This study evaluates the techno-economic costs and benefits of selected candidate transmission lines – both interconnection transmission projects and internal transmission projects with significant influence on cross-border transfer capabilities. Due to the complexity of the mentioned activities, the whole techno-economic evaluation study was divided in two phases which are respectively carried out:

  • Phase 1 – Costs and Network-based assessment of benefits,
  • Phase 2 – Market-based assessment of benefits and Indicative (non-numerical) benefit categories

In the recent period the first phase of the project has successfully implemented, covering the network analysis, while in the second phase the focus is on market analysis. Also in the second phase is performed overall assessment of candidate projects by using the modified methodology.