Transmission Network Analyzer TNA za ACER
narzčilac: ACER (Slovenija)
vrsta: softver
rok završetka: june 2017
team: EKC – Schneider Electric DMS (Serbia); EKC team: Maja Markovic - Project Manager, Z. Vujasinovic - Consultant, M. Stojkovic, I. Mihajlovic-Vlaisavljevic
Agency for the Cooperation of the Energy Regulators - ACER purchased the license of TNA 2 software, being able to handle Continental Europe common grid models (CGMs) in both ENTSO-E official grid model’s formats: UCT and CGMES.
TNA 2.3 software is delivered, with functional modules for model validation, AC and DC load-flow calculation, contingency (N-1 and N-X) analyses, console mode of operation (API) and Net Transfer Capacities (NTC) calculations, Remedial actions, graphical and model builder, flow-based capacity calculation and OTDF and PTDF analyses in line with the actual CWE formats and definitions of the flow-based calculation process.
Type of services provided:
- Software development
- User training