Study of the Organization of Coordinated Work of TSO Members of the SMM Control Block
Client: JSC Elektromreza Srbije (Serbia)
Type: Study
Finishing date: November 2022
Team: Nebojsa Jovic - Project Manager, D. Vlaisavljevic, M. Ivanovic, I. Mihajlovic Vlaisavljevic
The aim of this project is to improve the existing balancing mechanism within the SMM block (Serbia, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia) in order to achieve compliance with the requirements of the operating agreement between transmission system operators within the ENTSO-E Continental European (CE) synchronous area, as well as more efficient and economic operation of SMM block members.
The activities are divided into two main tasks:
- Task 1 - Improving the existing operational agreement in order to implement a common balancing mechanism in the SMM block, which includes the following activities:
- Development of a methodology for determining the total level of FRR balance reserves
- Analysis of available transmission capacities for the purpose of common usage of FRR balance reserve
- Development of a methodology for the distribution of the total level of FRR balance reserve
- Methodology for determining the minimum share of the aFRR balance reserve in the total FRR reserve
- Determining common technical requirements at the SMM block level for the availability and quality of services
- Task 2 - Study of the possibility of implementing the joint procurement of FRR reserve in the SMM block, which includes the following activities:
- Development of a methodology for the treatment and allocation of cross-border transmission capacities for the needs of joint procurement of reserves
- Development of a methodology for the treatment and allocation of cross-border transmission capacities for the needs of regional cooperation with neighboring control blocks / areas regarding the sharing of FRR balance reserve
- Development of a mechanism for conducting auctions and activations in case of joint procurement of reserve
- Define the mechanism for calculating costs in the case of joint procurement of FRR reserve
Type of services provided:
- Analysis of the system operation within the control block
- Drafting of an operational agreement
- Development of operational procedures for the implementation of the common balancing mechanism
- Analysis of the possibility of joint procurement of reserves within the control block