EMI 2022 Workshops: New EU regulations and methodologies
Type: Training
Finishing date: September 2022
Team: Dragana Orlic - Project Manager, B. Lekovic, M. Kostic
EMI activities in 2022 have been focused on knowledge transfer and capacity building of the WG members having in mind latest changes in EU regulations, approaches and methodologies in assessment of the relevant power system’s operation indicators and the following 3 workshops have been realized:
- Carbon-border Allocation Mechanism (CBAM)
This mechanism should address and reduce the risk of “carbon leakage” which is currently managed under EU ETS. In this context, a CBAM is proposed with the overarching objective of addressing the risk of carbon leakage to fight climate change by reducing GHG emissions in the Union and globally. In general, the CBAM mechanism will be applied to the imports of goods from all non-EU countries. Considering this fact and that the WB6 region exports electricity dominantly to the EU, the expected impact of CBAM introduction on the WB6 electricity sector is significant.
- Resource Adequacy Assessment (RAA) methodology
Resource adequacy assessments, such as the ERAA, are increasingly prominent studies which use advanced methodologies to model and analyse possible events with potentially adverse consequences for the supply of electric power. With the aim to be ready to follow these improvements in methodology and approaches, the EMI organized a workshop dedicated to presentation of the ENTSO-E ERAA methodology and its implementation in ERAA2021. In addition, specific features of Antares software tool related to ERAA methodology has been presented.
- RES grid connection queue management
This workshop introduced the problem both from the operators’ and investors’ side, shared different experiences and solutions applied both in the US and Europe with the aim to enable TSOs to:
- Efficiently utilise available grid connection capacities
- Optimize grid reinforcement costs
- Avoid stalled or slow-moving projects from affecting other projects.
Type of services provided:
- EU Emission trading system
- Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and “The Fit-for-55 packages”
- Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism from other perspectives
- ENTSO-E/ACER ERAA Methodology
- Methodology applied for ENTSO-E ERAA 2021
- Antares features related to new ERAA methodology
RES grid connection queue management WS:
- Expected RES integration and network development process
- RES connection queue management experiences in SEE
- RES connection queue management experiences in the US
- Recommendations for EMI members